Annual Giving Impact Report
Each year, Michigan Engineering’s annual giving community comes together to provide students with the resources and experiences that enable them to thrive. Thank you! Your gifts help our aspiring engineers to learn, grow and make a difference in the world.
These are a few examples of the impactful work that donors providing gifts of up to $25,000 made possible during the 2022-2023 academic year. We hope you enjoy seeing your generosity in action.

Your Philanthropic Impact
by the Numbers
Our generous community of annual giving donors includes:
All totals reflect donors who have provided gifts of up to $25,000.

You inspire
people and programs.
Gifts made to the Michigan Engineering Fund (MEF) help to make a Michigan Engineering education an extraordinary experience. The MEF ensures the continuity of ongoing initiatives and empowers us to readily embrace new opportunities for growth and innovation. During the last fiscal year, the MEF provided resources to:
Stories from Our Student Organizations & Teams
Encouraging our students to foster meaningful connections and engage in diverse learning opportunities is a cornerstone of our approach. Your generosity has benefited numerous student teams and organizations, such as Human Powered Submarine, M-SAAVE HUM and M-HEAL The Initiative.

You inspire
innovation above and below the water’s surface.
The Human Powered Submarine Team ventures into uncharted engineering territory, engaging in hands-on innovation both above and below the water’s surface. Their mission revolves around designing, building, testing and racing a fully flooded SCUBA diver-powered submarine.
In recent years, they have achieved remarkable milestones, securing a second place overall finish at the European International Submarine Races, along with special awards for Fastest Speed and Best Endurance. They were also honored with the “Smooth Operator” award for their exemplary preparedness at the International Submarine Races.
None of these accomplishments would have been possible without the invaluable support of our donors. You have helped them to build award-winning submarines, travel to competitions and gain highly-transferable skills.
As they move into the Fall 2023 semester, their focus will be on constructing Marlin, their newest submarine.
You inspire
aerospace technologies for
humanitarian missions.
Founded by students with a strong commitment to sustainability and humanitarian missions, Michigan-Sustainability Applications for Aerospace Vehicle Engineering (M-SAAVE) is dedicated to driving social and environmental progress through aerospace technologies. The team’s goal is to design, build, test and present products each year that align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
During the 2022-2023 academic year, M-SAAVE’s Humanitarian UAV Mission (HUM) created a vehicle for their partner, Air Serv International, one of the world’s leading aviation providers for humanitarian missions. The team developed an unpiloted vehicle that can carry large payloads, travel long ranges and land on unpaved runways. Air Serv International will utilize the vehicle to expand their reach in Sub-Saharan Africa.
“M-SAAVE has changed my life for the better and has given me strong confidence about my place and purpose in engineering. The HUM project is addressing a need within aerospace that deserves far more attention and can make a very real impact.”
– Ashley Carman, President of M-SAAVE
You inspire
improved neonatal care.
Low birthweight contributes to 60-80% of all neonatal deaths annually throughout the world, according to the World Health Organization (Care of the Preterm and Low Birthweight Infant, 2017). In communities with limited healthcare and economic resources, research also shows that low birthweight and hypothermia are often linked.
Students of M-HEAL The Initiative are working to help address this problem. Alongside their community partners in Kumasi, Ghana, students are developing a low-cost hybrid infant incubator. This infant warming system consists of a cloth, kangaroo-style carrier for the infant, as well as a heated bassinet incubator to regulate neonatal body temperature for extended time periods.
With financial assistance from donors to the MEF, The Initiative was able to complete a second prototype of the bassinet and a third prototype of the kangaroo-style carrier in spring 2023. Through 2024, these new prototypes will travel to Nairobi, Kenya, and Kumasi, Ghana, for continuing patient discovery and needs assessments.
You inspire
academic and personal growth.
Strategic Initiatives
During the 2022-2023 academic year, MEF resources benefited ten strategic initiatives that align with College’s highest priorities, including the M-Engin Academy.
The M-Engin Academy has two important objectives: increasing the graduation success of Michigan Engineering students from diverse backgrounds and encouraging active participation in a wide range of experiential learning activities. By fostering academic and personal growth during their undergraduate journey, M-Engin aims to maximize the students’ overall success.
This comprehensive program begins with a five-week pre-freshman summer initiative, where students gain valuable exposure to first-year courses and acclimate to the campus environment. M-Engin support continues during the academic year through coaching, community-building activities and additional personal and professional development opportunities.
Donors to the MEF help cover the costs associated with the program, ensuring that all participants can engage in this valuable experience.

You inspire
the next generation of engineering leaders.

Undergraduate Scholarships
Last year, the College awarded more than $500,000 in need- and merit-based scholarships through the Michigan Engineering Fund and Michigan Engineering Fund – Scholarships.
“Upon my acceptance to U-M, my parents and I both agreed that we would have to make sacrifices so I could attend my dream school. I worked full time throughout the summer to cover my expenses, and I expected to spend all of my spare time in college working a part-time job. This scholarship has given me the freedom to spend that time pursuing something more impactful. I joined a project team called Woven Wind, where we spend 6-8 hours a week designing wind turbines that will provide power to underprivileged communities. Your help has allowed me to implement meaningful change while simultaneously developing my technological skills.”
Anuhea Tao
Robotics, Class of 2026

You inspire
achievement in the midst of hardship.
The Engineering Student Critical Needs Fund supports our students’ immediate needs, from tuition assistance to living expenses to technology purchases. In 2022-2023, donors contributed more than $85,000 to this fund.
“I received support from the Engineering Student Critical Needs Fund when I found my apartment flooded two days before classes started, leaving me no other place to go. This allowed me to pay for a hotel while searching for another apartment and taking classes. Without this assistance, I would’ve been in dire straits without a place to live. Thank you for your generosity! Your donations help me and others like me.”
Computer Science undergraduate student,
Class of 2023

You inspire
Your generosity empowers
our community to do great things.
Thank you!